Susana M Henschel

The Pursuit of a Style of Poetry & Photography that Reaches all Angles of Creativity
The Aim to Endeavor, a fusion of reflective poetry and scenic photography.

The Aim to Endeavor

A Fusion of Reflective Poetry & Scenic Photography
Published by Blurb.Inc
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The Aim to Endeavor is about changing your frame of mind regarding life’s difficult situations and raising awareness of unappetizing habits that can arise when dark days knock on your door.  Learning to find beauty in the everyday as well as the extraordinary, whether you are at the kitchen sink, looking out of the window and seeing the shimmering light off the metallic wings of a blue jay, or on top of the Eiffel Tower looking over the beautiful expanse of the twinkling lights of Paris.  It encourages the reader to be fierce in the face of adversity, instead of a victim of circumstance as well as looking to faith for answers, and to assist in the last remaining piece required for inner peace.

The inspiration for writing The Aim to Endeavor comes from my love of both the outdoors and helping people in need. A few years ago I traveled to Guatemala for a missions’ trip to help disadvantaged children.  This experience has opened my eyes, creating a whole new perspective. Living in Greater Vancouver, I strive to thrive as a wife, mother, nurse, and writer.  Over the last twenty years, my great passion has been poetry and creative writing. I have found that the process is wonderfully therapeutic. I have learned many of life’s intricacies through the pouring of my thoughts through the pen and strive to share my insights with those who are pleased to read them.

I am very pleased to announce that I have won the Literary Titan Gold Book Award for The Aim to Endeavor, A Fusion of Reflective Poetry & Scenic Photography.

"We are proud to present you with the Literary Titan Book Award. Your book, The Aim to Endeavor, A Fusion of Reflective Poetry & Scenic Photography deserves extraordinary praise, and we are proud to acknowledge your hard work, dedication, and writing talent. The Literary Titan Book Award recognizes poets who demonstrate exceptional artistry and proficiency and push the boundaries of language and expression. The recipients are poets who excel in their technical skills and evoke deep emotional responses, challenge thoughts, and illuminate new perspectives through their work. The award honors those who contribute to the literary landscape with their unique voices and powerful words."
- Literary Titan

Reader's Favorite Book Review

Soft Cover | 106 pages | $32.95 CAD | 9798211673281 | January 13, 2023